Tuesday 17 April 2012

Case study : Chapter 2

 Case Study : Chapter 2

Questions to Consider

1. What message is sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law School and Colleges even if unrelated job-performance issues justified their actions in firing Gross and Perry?

2. Since the incident,  number of states have enacted laws that require workers to report immediately any child pornography found while servicing equipment. most of the laws state that worker who reports such a discovery is immune from any criminal,civil or administrative liability. failure to report the discovery can result to a fine, imprisonment or both,do you think such laws will encourage reporting? why or why not?

Discussion Questions

1. How to distinguish between a gift and a bribe? Provide an example of a "gift" that falls in the gray area between a gift and a bribe.

Bribery, is an act of implying money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient. 

gift or a present is the transfer of something without the expectation of payment. Although gift-giving might involve an expectation of reciprocity, a gift is meant to be free. In many human societies, the act of mutually exchanging moneygoods, etc. may contribute to social cohesion

2. Discuss the following topic: law do not provide a complete guide to ethical behavior. An activity can be legal or not ethical.

a law should remain as guidelines  but not provide a complete guide to ethical behavior because they were some laws have issue's to its moral behavior, an activity can be legal but not ethical because it's having moral issues to its self.

3. What is a professional malpractice? Can an IT worker ever be sued for professional malpractice? why or why not?

In lawmalpractice is a type of negligence in, which the professional under a duty to act, fails to follow generally accepted professional standards, and that breach of duty is the proximate cause of injury to a plaintiff who suffers harm . as an IT worker, you be more serious to what you are doing. if you ever committed a malpractice, it's your fault. and must be sued.

4. Review the PMI member code of ethics in appendix E. for each point in the code, provide an example of a project manager action that would break the code.

5. What must IT professionals do to ensure that the project they lead meet the clients expectations and do not lead the charges of fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, or breach of contact.

 as IT you do your job professionally , be more serious about what you are doing . must do your project to it's exact date. so that it won;t lead to any problems 

6. Should all IT professionals be either be licensed or certified? why or why not?

  for me being Certified is a okay .  no need to be licensed . as IT professionals prove it to the society that you can a change .

7. What commonalities you find among  the IT professionals codes of ethics discussed in this chapter ? what differences are there? do you think there are any important issues not addressed by these codes of ethics.

Discussion Questions

1. This incident illustrates some of the potential problems for small software developers working with giant software manufacturers to extend or enhance their products. Provide two good reasons why small developers should still consider working closely with large software firms?

 first , small developers show remain working closely with the large software firms is eventually the will learn how large companies run and  
in the future they might use it. 
secondly, bill gates  , started to be working with large software firms like the apple. and today he is one of the most successful man  .

2. What measures could Limit None have taken to better protect itself from Google's alleged actions? What measures could Google have taken to protect itself from this lawsuit?

for me, Google must limit their information . they must provide a copy right protection to be able to protect it self .


3. Do research on the Web to find out how this case is proceeding in the courts. Write a short summary of your findings.  

as what i read, today the proceedings is still on going,, ...

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