Sunday 13 May 2012

Chapter 9: Case Study

Twitter Emerges as New Source for Iran protesters

Question to Consider

1. Many people question the value of Twitter’s goal of helping people stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there other ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by people and organizations to add real value?

for me social network has some advantages and disadvantages . it enables to connect with your love ones even though you were far apart, but disadvantages to it. they were many cyber bully,cyber criminals that might hurt you emotionally with the use of this social networking websites. so , this websites have some good side and bad.  people tend to connect with each other. 

2. How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?

the information in this social network are not accurately true. some users tent to make information in false . but some are not. for me,  make sure that the information being passed is true.

Social Networking Disasters for Dominos

Questions to Consider

1. Some observers believe that if an organization does not respond to an attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been done—lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened before responding. With the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino’s have reacted more effectively?

i think domino should be aware of his employee and how his management works. without lack of management the stakes is a professional, be ready to figure what situation is going to happen.

2. Do you find it unusual that Domino’s response was primarily through the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem an effective and appropriate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or why not? Does Domino’s use of the online media set a precedent for others to follow in the future?

3. Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino’s experience.

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